
ASLERD is a no-profit interdisciplinary, democratic, scientific-professional Association that recognizes the relevance of ‘Smart’ learning ecosystems, and more in general of Learning, for the regional development and the social innovation, included the education of present and future participatory “smart” citizens.
It has been created fon the basis of the work carried on in the past by the Observatory on Smart City Learning.
The main goal of ASLERD is to support learning ecosystems (schools, universities, working places, etc.) to improve their smartness in order to achieve the well-being of all players involved in the learning process.

ASLERD has promoted the

Timisoara declaration

Through People Centered Smart Learning Ecosystems

signed  on 19th of May 2016 by representative of


ASLERD is a cutting edge interdisciplinary think-tank, joined by individuals and Institutions, owning different and complementary backgrounds. The Association promotes debates, researches and concrete actions needed to rise awareness about, and foster the development of, smart learning ecosystems (schools, campuses, working places and virtual environments) considered as potential drivers of social innovation, territorial development and of the education of smart citizens.

ASLERD supports a social, participatory and co-evolutive approach to the transformations of all components of the learning processes induced by the digital revolution: places, contents, processes, competences, monitoring approaches.

Three the main pillars of ASLERD:

• Relation between Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development

understanding & models, social innovation & capital, capacity building, cultural issues, sustainability
(to include: interplay of formal-informal learning & continuity-discontinuity of time, technology, place/space, process; sharing & participatory practices; use of public space & goods; open access and disparity; monitoring and benchmarking of smartness of learning ecosystems)

• Competences

taxonomies of horizontal competences & interplay with digital competences, educative visions/frameworks methodologies to foster their acquisition, smart citizenship
(to include: design based framework & literacy; monitoring; evaluation and awareness; data: collection design, elaboration, interpretation, visualization; effect of gamification strategies)

• Supporting Technologies

interoperability of data & services, safety & security, privacy, trustability, mediation role
(to include: awareness rising, orchestration)

ASLERD represents an international Design&Development (D&D) platform that thanks to its members is capable to develop technologies, methodologies and strategies, to support monitoring, strategic planning and policy making.

ASLERD, thus, has the potentiality to act as bridge among cultures and continents.